Spain 2016

La Mare dels Peixos

Within a European Erasmus+ educational project, and projects of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation and the Generalitat Valenciana of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, with the support of the Department of Education, Research, Culture and Sports, and multiple entities such as the Institut Valencià of Culture, the FSMCV, the Palau de les Arts, the Valencia City Council, Berklee College of Music Valencia and the Ensemble Col legno. <br/> This is an opera with six professional singers, an orchestra and white voice choirs. In this project, students from the IES Arabista Ribera created all the sound effects of the opera over several months, and played them with Soundcool, controlling it with their tablets at the premiere, forming part of the creation. In each of the new performances in different places the students of the place of destination create the sounds of the sound design of the opera, making their own version of it. Students from CEIP 9 d'Octubre, and from the CIM Benimaclet and Canet d'En Berenguer Music Schools also participated in the premiere.
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