These are some of the projects developed with Soundcool. They can serve as inspiration or if you prefer you can download all the material and make them yourself.
The TANTAENDSCovid project studies the possibility of applying Soundcool's new audiovisual technologies in new therapies and collaborative activities in Alzheimer's, and a first therapy will be designed and tested to work even remotely. Polisabio Program
In the AICO/2020/151 project we have developed cognitive stimulation therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. The first tests have been carried out with users of the AFA Canals center / Association of Families and People with Alzheimer's and other dementias) and La Saleta Campolivar residence of the Colisée group.
Adaptation of the Opera la Mare dels peixos in English and with puppets. Students make sets, puppets and sound and video effects with Soundcool. Example videos starring 5th and 6th grade students at CEIP Humanista Mariner.
Practice consisting of the realization of a mascletá fallera, within the informative workshop given by Montse Briceño, Elena Pelejero, Leopoldo Amigo and Jorge Sastre on January 24, 2018, on the Soundcool environment for teaching and musical creation to 3rd ESO students ,
The Soundcool team teaches how to make a radio show.
The TANTAENDSCovid project studies the possibility of applying Soundcool's new audiovisual technologies in new therapies and collaborative activities in Alzheimer's, and a first therapy will be designed and tested to work even remotely. Polisabio Program
In the AICO/2020/151 project we have developed cognitive stimulation therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. The first tests have been carried out with users of the AFA Canals center / Association of Families and People with Alzheimer's and other dementias) and La Saleta Campolivar residence of the Colisée group.
Adaptation of the Opera la Mare dels peixos in English and with puppets. Students make sets, puppets and sound and video effects with Soundcool. Example videos starring 5th and 6th grade students at CEIP Humanista Mariner.
Project summary. PDF Libretto in Valencian Libretto in Spanish Libretto in English / Effects and Sounds / Background music / Character dialoguesPractice consisting of the realization of a mascletá fallera, within the informative workshop given by Montse Briceño, Elena Pelejero, Leopoldo Amigo and Jorge Sastre on January 24, 2018, on the Soundcool environment for teaching and musical creation to 3rd ESO students ,
Mascletà practice - PlaylistSoundcool is intuitive and versatile
Computer, mobile, tablet, Hololens, connected live
To inspire you in the design of your own projects
Multidisciplinary projects
Closed system with for protection of sensitive data
And in real time. We remove barriers to continue working
Development of cognitive stimulation therapies for neurodegenerative diseases
Soundcool Cover of MIT's Computer Music Journal
Research projects for the development of an alternative therapy for people with Alzheimer's
Premiere in the United States of the Opera “La mare dels Peixos”
Premiere at the Palau de les Arts. New representation with scenery based on artistic recycling of materials
Premiere in Mexico of the Opera “La mare dels Peixos”
To the greatest music lesson ever
Award from the Social Council for University Social Responsibility of the UPV to the Emosons team
Soundcool, Competition Award Winner of the NEM Art & Design Competition.
Music researcher award to Jorge Sastre Martínez, director of Soundcool.
Premiere in Spain at the Palau de les Arts in Valencia, of the Opera “La mare dels Peixos”
In the category of best experience in programming and robotics
Jorge Sastre develops the first modules creating Souncool®
The Soundcool® team is multidisciplinary and includes musicians, engineers, educators and experts in audiovisual communication