1. Where can I download the Soundcool® app?
The Soundcool® app is downloaded from Soundcool.org and works on Mac or PC computers. For mobile phones, you must download the Soundcool OSC application from the Apple Store or Play Store.
2. What are the first steps to install Soundcool on Windows?
The .zip file will download and unzip to your desktop. Double click on the Soundcool® executable inside the folder that will have been decompressed. On some Windows computers, when running Soundcool for the first time, a window appears indicating that “Code execution cannot continue because MSVCP120.dll was not found. This problem can be fixed by reinstalling the program» (or other MSVCP libraries). These libraries are usually present in the Windows system but sometimes they are missing. To solve it, you have to install the following Microsoft application:
Likewise, if Soundcool does not play the videos, it is usually solved by installing the previous application.
On the other hand, the first time it is run, Soundcool® must be granted Wi-Fi connection permissions in the Windows Firewall or in the antivirus that we have, otherwise, the mobiles/tablets will NOT be able to connect to the computer application.
If for whatever reason we did not activate it in the previous window, you can access the Windows Firewall by entering the word “firewall” in the Windows magnifying glass as in the following figure:
Then we will click on “Allow an application or a feature…” as in the following figure:
Finally we will give you the permissions as in the following figure:
In the event that we use antiviruses that have their own firewall, we will have to give them permissions as well, to do this consult the firewall manual. If it is not possible to connect, consult with the tutor.
3. What are the first steps to install Soundcool on Mac?
The .zip file will be downloaded, double click on it and the file with the Soundcool icon will be copied to the desktop. The first time Soundcool® Mac is launched it will block it indicating that it cannot verify it. Soundcool must be given permissions in System Preferences -> Privacy and Security as indicated in the following figure so that it can be executed:
For more information in case you have permission problems to install the application on MAC, you can read the following article that provides us with the steps to follow:
Once we have done this Soundcool can be used, including the connection to mobiles and tablets. However, we will need to install JAVA so that the Soundcool application on the computer will reproduce the IP address of the computer in the “IP from router” box. The “IP from router” box is a box that gives us the information of the IP address of the computer that we will have to enter in the mobiles or tablets to be able to connect them, therefore, YOU CANNOT WRITE ANYTHING IN IT. This number identifies the computer on the network and must be entered into the Soundcool OSC application on mobile phones and tablets. Continuous updates of JAVA and operating systems give problems sometimes. On the other hand, Chrome does not allow you to install JAVA, to install it you can use Firefox, Internet Explorer (Windows) or Safari (Mac OS X), see
Here’s how to install JAVA on different Mac and PC systems to get the “IP from Router” box to work:
If you do not want to install JAVA or if it does not work properly, you can manually obtain the IP address of the computer as indicated in the FAQ 4) I cannot get the IP to appear, how can I obtain it on the computer?
4. How do mobiles or tablets connect to the Soundcool® application on the computer? What do I do if the mobile or tablet does not control the corresponding Soundcool® module on the computer?
Para conectar el móvil/Tablet al ordenador hay que conectar ambos a una misma WIFI y seguir las instrucciones del vídeo «conexiones y controladores» https://youtu.be/AzDnCsLShTQ
Recomendamos usar un módem-router wifi que puede ser un módem doméstico retirado de casa, conectando ordenador y móvil/tablet a su red WIFI. NO HACE FALTA QUE EL MODEM-ROUTER ESTÉ CONECTADO A INTERNET. Si el módem no está conectado a internet tanto en el ordenador como en el móvil y Tablet pueden aparecer avisos de que la red no tiene internet. Decirle aceptar y si no permite la conexión cancelar y volver a intentar conectar hasta que aparezca la opción de “Usar sin internet”.
Deberemos introducir la dirección IP de la casilla “IP from router” de la aplicación Soundcool® (launcher) del ordenador en la pestaña de settings de la app Soundcool OSC del móvil o Tablet con los números y puntos tal cual aparecen en la casilla “IP from router”, si no son exactamente iguales no conectarán. Deberemos introducir también el número de puerto del módulo del ordenador que queramos controlar con el móvil o tablet en la pestaña de settings de la app.
5. Why doesn't the IP address appear in the “IP from router” box of Soundcool l® on the computer when I press the corresponding button if the computer is connected to a WIFI network?
For the IP address to appear in the desktop application box, JAVA must be installed. JAVA is only used to get the IP. All other Soundcool capabilities work the same if JAVA is not installed.
On Windows you must install “Java SE Development Kit 8u211” from https://www.java.com/es/download/ (must be 64 bit, 32 bit version will NOT work)
On Mac:
Until Mojave install https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572?locale=en_US
For higher systems we recommend installing this Java SE Development Kit 8 version (https://www.java.com/en/download/). Remember that you have to give permissions to authorize installations of external applications to the App Store, here we share a link with the steps: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk-jre-macos-catalina .html
If you have trouble accessing Java applications with Chrome, Oracle recommends using Firefox, Internet Explorer (Windows), or Safari (Mac OS X) instead.
If you do not want to install JAVA or if it does not work properly, you can manually obtain the IP address of the computer as indicated in the FAQ 4) I cannot get the IP to appear, how can I obtain it on the computer?
6. I can't get the IP out, how can I get it on a Windows computer?
Step 1: we connect the computer to the WIFI of the modem-router that we are going to use for Soundcool, and we execute cmd in Windows.
Step 2 – In the window that opens, run ipconfig. The IP address will appear in “IPv4 Address”, in the example figure below it is “IPv4 Address…….”.
7. I can't get the IP out, how can I get it on a Mac computer?
Step 1: we connect the computer to the WIFI of the modem-router that we are going to use for Soundcool, we click on the WIFI symbol at the top right of the screen, and in the WIFI menu that opens we select “Open the Panel of Network Preferences…”
Step 2: selecting WIFI on the left, the name of the WIFI to which we are connected and the IP will appear on the right. In the example in the figure, the Wi-Fi is called “soundcool” and the IP address is
8. Why does a “router not found” message appear when you are connected?
The message “router not found” appears in the IP address box of the launcher if we connect it to a network that is not produced by a Wi-Fi modem router, for example, a corporate network. These types of connections can be used, but it is not recommended because they can block the Soundcool® connections.
9. Why does the device say that it has no internet?
If we use the Wi-Fi of a modem-router without an internet connection, the computer and the mobiles/tablets usually complain that the Wi-Fi does not have internet. We must select on the mobile / tablet “use without internet” or similar. Sometimes you have to connect twice to the Wi-Fi to get the option to “use without internet”.
10. Why is the connect button in the app yellow/red?
The connection button in settings can be displayed in three colors:
11. Why does a Windows firewall or installed antivirus window appear asking for permission to connect Soundcool®?
When running Soundcool® on Windows computers, a Windows firewall or antivirus window may appear asking for permission for Soundcool® to connect via Wi-Fi and you must allow it or it will not work.
12. Why my mobile does not control the modules?
If the mobile or tablet does not control the Soundcool® modules, you must review all the steps in point 4.
13. Why does my device switch to another network?
Being connected to a Wi-Fi network without internet, some mobiles switch automatically if they detect a Wi-Fi network with internet. In this case, we must enter the preferences of our device and not allow the automatic change or forget all WIFI networks (recommended when performing shows or concerts with Soundcool®).
14. How many devices can be connected to a network?
Home modem routers typically accept 15-20 connections. When the limit is exceeded the modem will no longer allow any more connections.
15. Audios, videos, images or VSTs do not load or do not work when opening a Soundcool® arrangement
If the audios, videos, images or VST are not loaded when opening a Soundcool® arrangement, it may be because they have changed folders on the computer and Soundcool® cannot find them. The solution is to manually load them and save the fix again, or put the files back in the folder they were originally in. This inconvenience is typical when moving an array from one computer to another or between Mac and PC computers.
16. My mobile/tablet does not ring
THE MOBILE DEVICE DOES NOT RING BECAUSE IT IS ONLY A MERE CONTROLLER OF THE COMPUTER MODULES. All the sounds we hear are produced by Soundcool® on the computer, not through the mobile that only controls the emission of those sounds.
17. Why doesn't the player sound?
If the player or sampleplayer module does not sound, check that the module is well connected to the mixer and to the speaker module, that the volumes of all the modules involved are correct and that the speed slider of the player module is not 0.
18. Why doesn't Soundcool® produce any sound?
If Soundcool® does not produce any sound, we must check that some sound is being produced, checking if everything is properly connected to the speaker module in the final way and checking if the audio output in the audio settings of the speakers and the volumes are at a correct level, like this like the speaker icon of the speakers module is activated.
19. Why doesn't the direct input module get anything?
If the direct input does not capture any sound, we must check if it has enough volume and also check the audio input in the audio settings of the speakers module.
20. Why doesn't the rec module record?
If the rec module does not record anything, we must properly select the input of the rec module or select the audio input of the computer and check the audio input in the audio settings of the speakers module.
21. When running Soundcool on Windows the video players do not work or a window opens saying that the file MVSCP120.dll or other MSVCP files are missing
The following Microsoft application will need to be installed:
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